Sap Gum

sapgumSap Gum (American Southern Cherry)

Other Names:
Red Gum, Sweetgum

Sweetgum is used mainly for lumber, plywood, and railroad crossties. The lumber goes principally into boxes and crates, furniture, interior trim, and millwork.

The lumber from sweetgum is usually divided into two classes – sap gum, the light-colored wood from the sapwood, and red gum, the reddish-brown heartwood.

Sweetgum grows from southwestern Connecticut westward into Missouri and southward to the Gulf. Lumber production is almost entirely from the Southern and South Atlantic states.

Physical Properties:
Sweetgum often has interlocked grain and must be carefully dried. When quartersawn, the interlocked grain produces a ribbon stripe that is desirable for interior finish and furniture. The wood is rated as moderately heavy (36lbs./cu.ft.), and hard, moderately strong, moderately stiff, and moderately high in shock resistance.

Ideal substitute of Black Cherry when parts are not longer than 4 foot or used for figure-joint panels.